![]() Associated with The Black Country Memories Club |
There was a glass factory, probably producing
mainly cheap bottles and window glass, at Bradley from 1674 to 1790 but
it never developed into a large industry, Stourbridge gaining a virtual
monopoly. Glasshouse Bridge remembers the site of these works.
Japanning: (Japanning describes the European imit
ation of Asian
lacquer-work, originally used on furniture. Japanned is most often a
heavy black lacquer, almost like enamel paint.)
The first
reference to japanning appears in 1710. At first it may have been wooden
items that were decorated in this way but papier mache soon replaced it
and, when thin steel sheet became readily available and cheap, that
replaced papier mache in Bilston almost entirely (though it did not in
Wolverhampton). Bilston seems to have specialised in making blank trays
for supply to Wolverhampton japanners; and finished products of a
cheaper and gaudier type than Wolverhampton’s which are said to have
been exported in large quantities to South America. Japanning and tin
plate work continued well into the 20th century.
Iron and Steel:
John Wilkinson set up in Bradley in 1767. It was an area well
supplied with ironstone, limestone and coal, if not with water.
There may well have been small scale iron production in the area long
before Wilkinson arrived but it is from his time that we can date this
industry which was to become the chief industry of Bilston and the pride
of the town.
Large steel works, supplying, it seems, the whole
world, started to spring up all over the area. As we will see these
eventually lessened in number until only Hickman’s was left; it survived
well into the 20th century.
Industries spread out over all the
old manorial lands, wreaking havoc with the landscape. Agriculture was
not entirely excluded but, by the second half of the 18th century, it
took place in the gaps between mining and manufacturing – and these gaps
gradually became fewer though they did not disappear entirely until late
in the 20th century.
Of this period Dr. Rowlands says of Bilston:
“Here in the course of the hundred years before 1760 new trades, new
men, new wealth and a new way of life were established. … In 1666 there
were only 46 householders paying tax and 61 certified as exempt. Thirty
years later in 1695 a list of the population for taxation purposes names
1006 men and women and children, including a high proportion of young
single men. … In 1767 a return estimated the population of [Bilston]
chapelry as ‘about 5,000’, that is, about ten times that indicated in
the hearth tax return of a hundred years before”.
Joseph Price,
writing of a time about 1780, says “The principal Trades at this time
carried on in Bilston were the Buckle and Chape, the Japan, the Enamel
and the Metal Box, vast quantities of which were Manufactured here”.
Clearly the industrial revolution had hit Bilston and by 1760 the town and its people would have been largely unrecognisable as the town and its people in 1660. What is not clear is why this occurred. Geographical and geological determinism never were satisfactory explanations and their shortcomings are illustrated by the contrast Dr. Rowlands shows between Bilston and Sedgley, a place similarly situated but where the course of development was quite different.
In 1727 Bilston’s communications had been somewhat improved by the passing of the first Turnpike Act to include any road in the area. Eventually most of the roads out of the town were turnpiked and the town was surrounded by toll gates. Under an Act of 1776 the road from Bilston to Wednesbury was created, the road originally having gone via Darlaston. The point where what is now Oxford Street crossed the brook was almost certainly a ford; eventually it was crossed by Goddard’s Bridge, the original date of which is unknown but the records show its being repaired in 1670. Bilston lay on the Holyhead Road and was certainly a staging post on the coaching route, though probably not a major coaching centre, that role being taken, locally, by Wolverhampton.
But industry would have been given a great boost by the coming of the canal in 1767, making it easier and far cheaper to distribute (and receive) raw materials and finished goods. Joseph Price wrote that the canal “had been of vast importance to the Proprietors of Lands and Mines in this Town and the Neighbourhood: Blast Furnaces for the smelting of Iron began to be erected about this time in this Township, the first of which was that belonging to the late John Wilkinson Esq., near the Fireholes, and called the Old Furnaces; another was erected by the same Gentleman close to the canal at Upper Bradley, and one at the Western extremity of the Township by the late John Bickley Esq,”.
There were other improvements to the town. The Rev. Ames records a new burial ground being created; some of the town ways being paved; and, partly at the cost of Ames himself, a Poor House was established. This workhouse was established in 1700 and stood in Workhouse Fold in the town centre.
The population was greatly increasing. Population figures given by Lawley (which he got from census returns and, before that, by guessing) are:
These figures show the enormous increase in population and they suggest the problems that brought with it. They also reflect the changing economic climate, the 19th century being particularly prone to periods of boom and bust. Lawley says that since 1871 (and he writes in the 1890s) the population has decreased to a little over 24,000, because the coal mining industry was almost at an end and the iron trade was in deep recession.
In the 18th century the town was already beginning to show some of the
drawbacks of industrialisation, overcrowding and poor drainage and
sanitation. In 1728 and 1729 an “epidemical distemper” of an unknown
sort caused a great mortality, with 172 burials being recorded in just
two years from a population of about 1,000. In 1756 and 1757 they were
other epidemics, this time of “putrid fever” or “flux of fever”. In 6
months this took off 51 people.
The parish registers show that
the town had a Constable but his powers were distinctly limited. In 1694
the registers first record the installation of a pair of stocks, but
these were certainly not the first. They had to be repaired from time to
time and replaced completely in 1764. The stocks were in Lich Gates,
where they stayed until moved to the headquarters of the new Peelers
when they were established.
A typical set of stocks. There would
have been a bench behind for the miscreant to sit on. (A pillory was a
similar structure with holes for the arms and the head). How badly you
were pelted with rubbish depended on what the locals thought of you and
your offense. The main purpose of stocks and pillories was to humiliate
the offender.
There was also a gibbet A gibbet is any instrument
of public execution (including guillotine, executioner's block,
impalement stake, hanging gallows, or related scaffold), presumably set
up where Gibbet Lane met the Wolverhampton Road.
It should be
noted that the presence of a gibbet is not evidence of sentences being
executed and criminals hanged in Bilston. It was only after you had been
hanged (probably in Stafford) that your body was hung, in a metal cage,
upon a gibbet, preferably near to where you came from or committed the
foul deed. The image shows a seaside gibbet, probably displaying a
pirate or mutineer.
"Shepherding the moonlit sheep" was a warning
to others as much as a post mortem humiliation.
In 1719 a new
house was provided for the curate of St. Leonard’s. The Rev. Ames moved
in on the 9th May. The house stood “on the Church Street side of the
churchyard, opposite the entrance to the grounds of Pipe Hall Hotel”. It
moved from there in 1820, to a new building next to the church near the
Mount Pleasant junction. The new house of 1719 was said to be near the
school. Presumably this was a church school, possibly just a Sunday
school. There seems to be little other reference to education in Bilston
up to this time but doubtless there were a number of private schools and
dame schools.
The town was not without entertainment. The
ceremony of beating the bounds continued until 1827. The Gunpowder Plot
was celebrated each 5th November, as was the Restoration of Charles 2nd
each 29th May. Both occasions brought forth bonfires, fireworks and a
good deal of drinking.
On the 11th April 1754 the Swedish
industrial spy, Rheinhold Angerstein, visited the town and he reported:
“Bilston is a town that consists mainly of factories for metal boxes
and other and punched work which comes under the heading ‘toy ware’ or
‘Quincaillerie’ [small metal goods]. I viewed here one or two of these
works, where the people were occupied with the making of paste gems and
enamelled work to be incorporated into boxes and watch chains and with
the filing and carving of mother of pearl. Of this ware I was shown a
set of tea caddies and boxes, which cost 60 guineas. For purchase of
half-a-dozen or a dozen of these items a discount of 15 per cent is
“In one farmhouse between Bilston and Wolverhampton
there was a factory for making snuff-boxes and other enamelled work,
where a large number of women were employed in preparing the enamel,
dipping the copper sheets and painting. They were also occupied in
firing and tempering the enamel … Later on I saw a factory making the
same things in Wednesbury and there are also a large number of them in
Bilston. The boxes fetch good prices when sold, according to the quality
of the painting. A discount of 15 per cent is allowed if one takes a
dozen or more”.
In June 1754 Angerstein was back again and making
a new report:
“On the way [from Wolverhampton] to Wednesbury and
Birmingham I went through Bilston, which manufactures many kinds of
wares in non-ferrous metals such as pinchbeck, as well as engraved and
turned mother-of-pearl for boxes and watch chains, buttons and all sorts
of similar articles. Here are also workshops for enamelled boxes made of
copper sheets, which are stamped in dies of various shapes. Lacquered
boxes of sheets are also made around here. All these wares are sold at
high prices, the actual figured depending on the pattern and
novelty-value of inventiveness displayed by the painting, enamelling or